365 traducciones

11 enero 2006

David Antin (este poema es largo, por eso en partes). I

a list of the delusions of the insane
what are they afraid of

the police
being poisoned
being killed
being alone
being attacked at night
being poor
being followed at night
being lost in a crowd
being dead
having no stomach
having no insides
having a bone in the throat
losing money
being unfit to live
being ill with a mysterious disease
being unable to turn on the light
being unable to close the door
that an animal will come in from the street
that they will not recover
that they will be murdered
that they will be murdered when they sleep
that they will be murdered when they wake
that murders are going on all around them
that there are murderers all around them
that they will see the murderer
that they will not

una lista de los delirios de los dementes
tienen miedo de

la policía
ser envenenados
estar solos
ser atacados en la noche
ser pobres
ser seguidos en la noche
estar perdidos en una multitud
estar muertos
no tener estómago
no tener entrañas
tener un hueso en la garganta
perder dinero
ser ineptos en la vida
estar enfermos de un mal misterioso
ser incapaces de apagar la luz
ser incapaces de cerrar la puerta
que un animal entre de la calle
no recuperarse
ser asesinados
que los asesinen mientras duermen
que los asesinen al despertar
que ocurran asesinatos a su alrededor
que hay asesinos a su alrededor
que verán al asesino
que no lo verán